- Canon Ip2770 Resetter Service Tool
- Canon Ip2772 Resetter Download
Buat Printer Canon MP287 dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE. Matikan Canon MP287 dengan menekan tombol Powernya. Jangan cabut kabel power - Tekan dan Tahan tombol STOP/RESET diikuti dengan menekan Tombol POWER. Kedua tombol posisi tertekan. Lepas tombol STOP/RESET tapi jangan lepas tombol POWER. Tekan tombol STOP/RESET sebanyak 6 kali. Canon Pixma ip2772 Printer Resetter Free Download. Download Free Canon Resetter Service Tool. If you facing a waste ink pad problem, service life expired then you must try this canon resetter software. Canon ip2772 issue code 5B00 means the waste ink counter overflow, and you need to reset Canon ip2772 Waste Ink Counter (clear waste counter).
Here's How to Reset Printer Canon IP2700 Series This paper begins with unrest when a few days ago a colleague printer Pixma IP2770 damaged. Having checked the lights blink a few times indicate Waste Ink Absorber Full Tank. Cara Reset Printer Canon iP2770 / iP2700. Pertama Download file Resetter Canon iP2770 / iP2700 DISINI (Link Google Drive). Setelah berhasil di download, silakan instal dan jalankan aplikasi resetter tersebut. Sebelumnya silakan anda siapkan 2 lembar kertas yang sudah terpasang ke printer, hal ini akan digunakan saat proses reset printer anda. Canon Pixma iP2700/ip2770 Printer Reset । Printer ResetterDownload Link here: to reset.
How to Reset Canon ip2770 with Service Tool v3400 – ink absorber is nearly full – is really as follows:
- Switch on the printer, it’ll display a explanation of ” The actual Ink Absorber is nearly Full ” about the monitor screen
- To totally reset the printer should be Service Mode.
- This how you can make service setting
- Download Resetter Canon Service Tool v3400 (Link To Download Software).
- Turn from the printer by pressing the ability button. Do not unplug the ability cord.
- Press and Contain the STOP / TOTALLY RESET and press the ability button. So each buttons depressed placement.
- Remove the actual STOP / RESET but don’t release the switch powerd
- Within the circumstances the POWER button continues to be depressed, press the actual STOP / TOTALLY RESET 6 times.
- Your pc will detect the brand new of hardware. yaou could to Ignore this.
The next action Exctract and Operate Service Tool v3400 that was downloaded earlier.
- Within the clear ink counter-top absorber menu choose Play then click SET towards the right.
- Within the ink absorber counter-top menu select Perform then click SET towards the right.
- After that click EEOPROM. then your printer will printing one page.
- Done.
- Canon printer will go back to normal.
Canon Ip2772 Resetter Download
So ideally your printer may all be regular again.