While the MRJob class is the part of the framework thathandles the execution of your code in a MapReduce context, the runner isthe part that packages and submits your job to be run, and reporting theresults back to you.

In most cases, you will interact with runners via the command line andconfiguration files. When you invoke mrjob via the command line, it reads yourcommand line options (the --runner parameter) to determine which type ofrunner to create. Then it creates the runner, which reads your configurationfiles and command line args and starts your job running in whatever contextyou chose.

Most of the time, you won’t have any reason to construct a runner directly.Instead you’ll invoke your Python script on the command line and it will make arunner automatically or you’ll write some sort of wrapper that callsmy_job.make_runner().

Internally, the general order of operations is:

After you have reviewed our how-to document, please login and use this form to create a new job posting. If you have submitted jobs previously under your login, you can view them by logging in now. In case of questions, please contact the PSF Python Job Board team. Runners are configured by several methods: from mrjob.conf (see Config file format and location) from the command line by re-defining jobrunnerkwargs etc in your MRJob (see Job runner configuration) by instantiating the runner directly.

  • Get a runner by calling make_runner() on your job
  • Call run() on your runner. This will:
    • Copy your job and supporting files to Hadoop
    • Instruct Hadoop to run your job with the appropriate--mapper, --combiner, --reducer, and--step-num arguments

Python Job Runner Online

Each runner runs a single job once; if you want to run a job multipletimes, make multiple runners.

Subclasses: DataprocJobRunner,EMRJobRunner,HadoopJobRunner,InlineMRJobRunner,LocalMRJobRunner

Testing locally¶

To test the job locally, just run:

The script will automatically invoke itself to run the various steps, usingInlineMRJobRunner (--runner=inline). If you wantto simulate Hadoop more closely, you can use --runner=local, which doesn’tadd your working directory to the PYTHONPATH, sets a few Hadoopenvironment variables, and uses multiple subprocesses for tasks.

You can also run individual steps:

By default, we read from stdin, but you can also specify one or moreinput files. It automatically decompresses .gz and .bz2 files:

See mrjob.examples for more examples.

Running on your own Hadoop cluster¶

Python job runner download
  • Set up a hadoop cluster (see http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/)

  • Run your job with -rhadoop:


You don’t need to install mrjob or any other libraries on the nodesof your Hadoop cluster, but they do at least need a version of Pythonthat’s compatible with your job.

Running on EMR¶

  • Set up your Amazon account and credentials (see Configuring AWS credentials)

  • Run your job with -remr:

Running on Dataproc¶

  • Set up your Google account and credentials (see Getting started with Google Cloud)

  • Run your job with -rdataproc:


Dataproc does not yet support Spark or libjars.


Runners are configured by several methods:

  • from mrjob.conf (see Config file format and location)
  • from the command line
  • by re-defining job_runner_kwargs() etc in yourMRJob (see Job runner configuration)
  • by instantiating the runner directly

In most cases, you should put all configuration in mrjob.conf and use thecommand line args or class variables to customize how individual jobs are run.

Running your job programmatically¶

It is fairly common to write an organization-specific wrapper around mrjob. Usemake_runner() to run an MRJobfrom another Python script. The context manager guarantees that all temporaryfiles are cleaned up regardless of the success or failure of your job.

This pattern can also be used to write integration tests (see Testing jobs).

You instantiate the MRJob, use a context manager tocreate the runner, run the job, and cat its output, parsing that output withthe job’s output protocol.

Further reference:



You should pay attention to the next sentence.

You cannot use the programmatic runner functionality in the same file as yourjob class. As an example of what not to do, here is some code that does notwork.

What you need to do instead is put your job in one file, and your run code inanother. Here are two files that would correctly handle the above case.

Why can’t I put the job class and run code in the same file?¶


The file with the job class is sent to Hadoop to be run. Therefore, the jobfile cannot attempt to start the Hadoop job, or you would be recursivelycreating Hadoop jobs!

The code that runs the job should only run outside of the Hadoop context.

The if__name__'__main__' block is only run if you invoke the job fileas a script. It is not run when imported. That’s why you can import the jobclass to be run, but it can still be invoked as an executable.


Counters may be read through thecounters() method on the runner. Theexample below demonstrates the use of counters in a test case.



Python 3.4 or 3.6 is installed on my Amazon EMR cluster instances, but Spark is running Python 2.7. How do I upgrade Spark to Python 3.4 or 3.6?

Short description

In most Amazon EMR release versions, cluster instances and system applications use different Python versions by default:

  • Amazon EMR release versions 4.6.0-5.19.0: Python 3.4 is installed on the cluster instances. Python 2.7 is the system default.
  • Amazon EMR release versions 5.20.0 and later: Python 3.6 is installed on the cluster instances. For 5.20.0-5.29.0, Python 2.7 is the system default. For Amazon EMR version 5.30.0 and later, Python 3 is the system default.

To upgrade the Python version that PySpark uses, point the PYSPARK_PYTHON environment variable for the spark-env classification to the directory where Python 3.4 or 3.6 is installed.


On a running cluster

Amazon EMR release version 5.21.0 and later

Submit a reconfiguration request with a configuration object similar to the following:

Amazon EMR release version 4.6.0-5.20.x

1. Connect to the master node using SSH.

Python Job Runner Download

2. Run the following command to change the default Python environment:

3. Run the pyspark command to confirm that PySpark is using the correct Python version:

The output shows that PySpark is now using the same Python version that is installed on the cluster instances. Example:

Spark uses the new configuration for the next PySpark job.

On a new cluster

Python Job Runner Tutorial

Add a configuration object similar to the following when you launch a cluster using Amazon EMR release version 4.6.0 or later:

Python Job Runners

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